I’m waiting…
Life is a waiting game.
It seems like I am constantly waiting on something: for the results from a new exhibition, for my film to be processed, for the next photoshoot to get here. There is often something exciting on the horizon. Now that is a good problem to have.
I often find that my photography practice runs parallel to the rest of my life. The themes I explore in my work and the actual practice itself are intrinsically tied to whatever I am dealing with in my personal and spiritual life. One of the things that my creativity has reinforced is patience. At the time of writing this blog post, I have 6 rolls of film in the fridge ready to be developed, and 2 more rolls in cameras that are almost ready to add to the pile. I’m eager, of course, to see the photos, but I can wait a while for that.
It’s the same with the rest of my life. All the things I’m waiting for, I await patiently. Sometimes there is excitement, and other times dread (although I try to keep those feelings at bay). I look forward to the results, but I keep my cool about it all. I realize that patience doesn’t come easily to some people. Just like with creativity, it is a practice.
How is it done?
By staying present.
The mindful cow.
This is something I talk a lot about in my book. Presence is key to a peaceful life. If you’re living in the future (which is actually not possible), it can be so hard to wait for things. You might think, “I’ll be happy when XYZ happens,” or “Once I find out about ABC, I can move on with my life.” The truth is, we are always in this moment, even when our minds are elsewhere. It’s okay to think about what might happen soon from time to time, but try not to let it consume you. Allow the thoughts to arise, but avoid clinging too tightly to them. This is something that takes practice.
One good way to root yourself in the present moment is to practice being aware of your senses. What is it that you can see, smell, taste, feel, hear… right now? Take some deep breaths and tune in to that. When you work on this, you’ll eventually come to realize that those future things don’t matter at this very instant.
Trust: it is so important. Trust that things will work out. They always do! Maybe not in the way you were hoping for, but the universe has a way of resolving things. It’s all about perspective. There will always be ups and downs, but if you stay present and mindful, you will also stay level. Life becomes less of a rollercoaster, and it is easier to wait for things.
For even more tips on practicing presence in your daily life, check out my book Mystery & Manifestations. There is a lot of wisdom and practical advice on how to live a more peaceful life contained within it. And stay tuned to see what all these new rolls of film will have in store!