What Once Was.
The one thing that no one can escape is change. Try as we might to outrun it, eventually it catches up to us.
The spaces we inhabit are, to a point, within our control. Stuck in the past, one man’s home remained unchanged for a century. Blind to the decay of his surroundings, John Russell lived a life of continuous sameness. The home he was born in, grew up in, and grew old in was a constant as the world outside was drastically altered. His small, sleepy historic village grew into a bustling college town, horses-and-buggies were replaced with speeding automobiles, and his neighbors were gradually replaced by academic rentals. Only this house remained the same.
And yet, change was waiting for him. John aged, as we all do, losing his wits over time, and eventually ended up in a nursing facility. His home, untouched, now lies abandoned, a relic of a time long past. By a stroke of luck, I have gained access to this time capsule. Development is imminent. Change is on its way. I feel compelled to document the uniqueness of this space, a place in which the shadows of life arise from the past, where things have, against all odds, resisted change. Until now.